
Legal news and current events

Posts tagged Family Law
What You Need To Know About the Affordable Care Act

With so many changes happening in the healthcare industry, it is important to know what is happening and how it affects you. This article features many of the important things you need to know in order to avoid penalties and fines, as well as a helpful and informative guide on how to quickly and easily understand the key points of the Affordable Care Act. 

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Consent Judgments & MCR 3.210

As of January 1, 2015, an amended court rule will finally provide authority to submit a Judgment by Consent.  In the past, the court rules only provided for a Default Judgment or a Judgment after an evidentiary hearing with the Judge.  This amended rule allows either spouse to present the Judgment of Divorce or Separate Maintenance to the Court after an agreement is reached together for approval by the Judge.  The applicable section of MCR 3.210 is as follows:

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